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Measurement & Verification

The Efficiency Valuation Organization ( defines Measurement and Verification (M&V) as “the process of planning, measuring, collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of verifying and reporting energy savings within an individual facility resulting from the implementation of energy conservation measures (ECMs). Savings cannot be directly measured, since they represent the absence of energy use. Instead, savings are determined by comparing measured use before and after implementation of a project, making appropriate adjustments for changes in conditions.”

According to the Efficiency Valuation Organization (, “M&V activities consist of some or all of the following:

  • meter installation calibration and maintenance,
  • data gathering and screening,
  • development of a computation method and acceptable estimates,
  • computations with measured data, and
  • reporting, quality assurance, and third-party verification of reports.

When there is little doubt about the outcome of a project, or no need to prove results to another party, applying M&V methods to calculate savings may not be necessary. However, it is still wise to verify (initially and repeatedly) that the installed equipment is able to produce the expected savings. Verification of the potential to achieve savings is referred to as operational verification, which may involve inspection, commissioning of equipment, functional performance testing and/or data trending.”

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