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Our Services

What we can do for you

We are energy efficiency experts. This is our focus, written into our DNA. Whatever your situation may be, whether you are just launching a construction project or want to know how to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, to deploy an energy management system, etc., we can help you. Our support services are designed for this purpose. We’ll help you achieve your goals.
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Energy Modelling
Energy simulation (or modelling) entails running a computer analysis to calculate the overall energy consumption of a building, with the help of specialized software.
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Energy Audit
An energy audit is run to identify potential energy conservation measures (or a combination of them) in a building or a process, then to determine the profitability of their implementation.
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Economic Modelling
When your projects are expressed in the language of an architect or engineer, we can help you translate them into a Business Case, a language that your colleagues, partners, accountants, and financiers will understand.
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Commissioning (Cx)
Commissioning is the systematic process of ensuring that any construction, renovation, extension, or functional renovation is delivered according to the initial design, in accordance with the contract documents.
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Financial Support & Grants
With this service, we support you in managing research, optimization, requests, and follow-ups related to financial assistance that you may be seeking out from several organizations.
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Training & Lectures
The training we offer and the lectures in which we participate each target different audiences and help to improve knowledge and skills in the field of energy efficiency.
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Measurement & Verification
The training we offer and the lectures in which we participate each target different audiences and help to improve knowledge and skills in the field of energy efficiency.
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Energy Management System
Realize your company’s vision in Canadian environmental leadership with best practices in energy management. Implementing an Energy Management System (EMS) allows you to continuously improve your energy performance and realize recurring savings. The resulting organizational energy culture facilitates accountability, strengthens your team's skills, and ensures the sustainability of the savings generated by all your energy […]
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Recommissioning (RCx)
RCx re-optimizes systems in a building or facilities, so that they will align with current occupant needs.
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Our Approach

We support you throughout the life cycle of your project, from the design phase to building operation.